Book Launch Party for the Crypto Assets MiCAR Commentary in Vienna
Attorney Lutz Auffenberg, LL.M. (London) at the book launch party for the commentary work “Crypto Assets”.
Token Sale in the MiCAR Era – How Can a Token Issuance be Advertised?
Token sales are usually massively digitally advertised and often in creative ways. However, marketing communications for public offerings of crypto assets are now very strictly regulated under MiCAR. What do providers need to consider in this regard?
Units of Account and MiCAR – Can Crypto Tokens Still be Units of Account?
How are wrapped tokens and token bridges regulated under MiCAR? What obligations apply to providers and issuers and are there possibilities to realize a token bridge outside the scope of MiCAR?
Interoperability Through Token Bridges – Are Wrapped Tokens Crypto Assets under MiCAR?
How are wrapped tokens and token bridges regulated under MiCAR? What obligations apply to providers and issuers and are there possibilities to realize a token bridge outside the scope of MiCAR?
Attorney Anja von Rosenstiel Contributes Chapter to MiCAR Handbook
Attorney Anja von Rosenstiel, LL.M. (Boston University), M.A. (Viadrina) and of counsel at FIN LAW, has provided a comparative legal analysis of the MiCAR with US regulations in the handbook MiCAR, edited by Johannes Meier, which is expected to be published in February 2025.
Attorney Lutz Auffenberg Comments on Art. 36 to 47 MiCAR in Kalss/Krönke/Völkel
Attorney Lutz Auffenberg Comments on Art. 36 to 47 MiCAR in Kalss/Krönke/Völkel
Attorney Lutz Auffenberg LL.M. (London) as Guest in Web3 NextLevel Podcast
Our partner, Attorney Lutz Auffenberg, LL.M. (London) was a guest on André and Jasmin’s Web3 NextLevel podcast and talked about crypto regulation in Europe.
MICAR Transition Without National Framework Legislation – What Happens if the German Parliament Does Not Pass the KMAG by the End of the Year?
The German government has broken up. But what does this mean for the long-delayed adoption of the accompanying legislation for the MiCAR transition and which legal framework will the German crypto industry operate within as of 30 December 2024?
MiCAR and Non-EU CASPs – How Can Crypto Service Providers from Third Countries Do Business in Europe?
Crypto service providers from non-European countries such as the USA, Switzerland and the UK are also interested in doing business on the old continent under MiCAR. However, ESMA is making it more difficult for such companies to enter the market with its recommendations to the relevant national supervisory authorities.
Market Abuse and Insider Trading in Crypto Assets – Who Will be Affected By the New MiCAR Rules?
In a few months, all MiCAR provisions will be legally effective. This also includes the new rules on the prevention and prohibition of market abuse and insider trading. But which market participants must comply with the new strict obligations?
MiCAR vs MiFID II – Which Tokens Are Considered Crypto Assets and Which Are Financial Instruments?
ESMA has been tasked with providing guidelines by the end of the year to facilitate the legal assessment of the legal nature of tokens as crypto assets under MiCAR and as financial instruments under MiFID2. ESMA has already published an initial draft of the guidelines.
Reverse Solicitation – Does MiCAR also Apply to Crypto Service Providers from Third Countries?
Under MiCAR, it will be practically impossible for crypto service providers from the USA, Switzerland or other third countries to serve European customers without a MiCAR license on the grounds of passive freedom to provide services. What exceptions will remain?