Attorney Lutz Auffenberg Comments on Art. 36 to 47 MiCAR in Kalss/Krönke/Völkel
Attorney Lutz Auffenberg Comments on Art. 36 to 47 MiCAR in Kalss/Krönke/Völkel
The MiCAR Crypto Asset Whitepaper – Can the Obligation to Create also Affect the Operator of a Trading Platform?
On December 30 of this year, MiCAR comes into force in its entirety and with it the regulations on crypto asset whitepapers. Under what circumstances may the operators of trading platforms be obliged to produce such a MiCAR whitepaper?
The Stable Coin in Europe – Who Can Issue Asset-Referenced Tokens (ART) Under MiCAR?
From June 30, 2024, the public offering of stable coins in the EU will be strictly regulated. What requirements does MiCAR actually place on issuers and providers of ART?
Asset Referenced Token – What Exactly Are ART Under MiCAR?
The regulations on Asset-Referenced Tokens of MiCAR will be applicable in less than six months’ time. By then at the latest, there must be clarity as to which tokens should fall under the regulations. It is still unclear when exactly a token is aimed at value stability.
The MiCAR Whitepaper (Part VI) – When Does an Investor Have a Right of Revocation Under MiCAR?
MiCAR provides a right of revocation for retail investors when purchasing certain crypto assets. However, it does not apply in all cases and is not fully comparable to the right of revocation known from consumer protection law. An overview.
BaFin License in NFT Business – Which Activities are Regulated in Times of MiCAR?
NFTs are excluded from the scope of MiCAR, which is why NFT-based business models are generally not covered by the regulation. However, there remain borderline cases in which crypto service providers are nevertheless subject to regulatory obligations.