Establishing New Blockchain Technologies – Non-Profit Corporations as the Best Legal Form?
The founders of new blockchain or DLT technologies often intend to establish a non-profit foundation or gGmbH, probably because of the existence of numerous successful examples. In which circumstances can a non-profit be advantageous and what are the pros and cons?
Crypto Me Up – What must be Reported to BaFin by Financial Service Providers When Implementing Crypto Services?
Blockchain technology created a veritable crypto-hype during the last couple of years, especially in the financial industry. That said, a direct investment in crypto assets is not necessarily at the center of attention for the established financial markets participants. Blockchain technology, especially when applied to the financial industry offers a variety of innovations and solutions […]
Blockchain-Based Central Bank Money – Which Effects Would that have?
Since last autumn and the announced massive resistance of international politics against Facebook´s Libra coin it has been relatively quite regarding the idea of stable coins that are issued by private companies. Nevertheless, the advance of the social media giant has been a true wake-up call for legislators and central banks of the major economies […]
Between the Poles – Is Blockchain-based E-Money not a Crypto Asset?
Nowadays, there are many different ways in which money is digitally usable. Scriptural money can only be created virtually by credit institutions and is used among the involved payment institutions in electronical form whenever a payer initiates a transaction. Also on the side of the payment initiating payer digital tools such as banking apps are […]
Let´s Build an Equity Token – Why don´t We Bring Stocks to the Blockchain?
Tokenizing is one of the hottest topics at the capital markets right now and with the authorization of the first security token offerings by the national supervising authorities the subject is picking up speed. BaFin, the competent authority in Germany, already approved two security prospectuses for security token offerings and it is just a matter […]
Passporting a Crypto License – Does That Work?
Europe offers a lot of advantages, especially for financial service providers that are located within the European Union (EU) if it comes to the internationalization of their business model. The progressive harmonization of the legislation regarding financial supervision and the capital markets within the European Union allows supervised and regulated banks and financial service providers […]
E-money on a Blockchain?
Most publications covering cryptocurrencies and e-money come to the conclusion that Bitcoins cannot be classified as e-money in the sense of the German Payment Services Act (ZAG) because of the fact that there is no emitter who issued the coins in the first place while such emitter is a prerequisite to the e-money definition according […]