Yield Farming – Does BaFin Take an Interest in Liquidity Providers?
Crypto investors can use their crypto assets for profit via yield farming instead of merely hodling them. But can participation in yield farming trigger regulatory authorization requirements for liquidity providers?
Securities Information Sheet (WIB) for Security Tokens – Can BaFin Delay the Approval Until the Start of the Token Sale?
Occasionally, BaFin refuses to approve WIBs until shortly prior to the start of the public offering, arguing that approval should be granted close in time to the start of the offering in order to ensure that the WIB is up-to-date. Is this administrative practice legally tenable?
Crypto Security Registrars – BaFin Publishes Note on Authorization Process
Last week, BaFin published its note concerning the authorization process for the operation of crypto security registries. This is a summary of the most important expectations of the authority.
FIN LAW Successfully Advises DLT Finance on BaFin Authorization as Financial Institution
The trading unit of DLT Finance AG, Frankfurt has been approved by BaFin as an investment firm. FIN LAW was the legal advisor throughout the whole application procedure.
The Crypto Asset Transfer Regulation – The Last Paper Tiger of the Grand Coalition?
Despite fierce criticism from the industry, the Crypto Asset Transfer Regulation of the Federal Ministry of Finances has gone into effect on October 1st, 2021. One of the exemptions in it has the potential to completely unhinge the entire regulation.
Operating Crypto Security Registers – Who is Addressee of the Authorization Requirement?
There are not only electronic securities but also crypto securities since the Act on Electronic Securities (eWpG) went into effect on the 10th of June 2021. According to the legal definition, the term also includes unsecured electronic bearer bonds which are registered in a crypto security register. The legislator simultaneously turned the operation of such […]