
Anja von Rosenstiel, LL.M., M.A.

Anja von Rosenstiel is of Counsel at FIN LAW and admitted to practice as a lawyer in Germany. In this capacity she advises American, foreign, and German corporations and entrepreneurs in the financial services sector at the interface between American, European and German banking, securities and financial services law as well as corporate law.

Anja von Rosenstiel has been active in these respective fields since leaving her position as a law clerk at the Massachusetts Federal Court in 2020. She initially advised as counsel for one of the largest German commercial law firms, before starting as senior counsel at a medium-sized Swiss law firm specializing in blockchain-based projects in 2023. Among other things, Anja von Rosenstiel has accompanied tokenization projects, advised on ICO projects, dealt with licensing and compliance issues in derivatives and securities trading, and drafted user agreements and general terms and conditions for financial services, such as staking.

In addition, Anja von Rosenstiel teaches as an attorney-at-law (MA) and Lecturer of Law at Boston University Law School. She is also a Research Fellow at the US-based Decentralization Research Center. Her work focuses on corporate law issues in the use of distributed ledger technologies in corporations and foundations in general and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (“DAO”) in particular. Anja von Rosenstiel has extensive practical experience in governance issues, having founded a German association herself and as a board member in a U.S. company.

Furthermore, Anja von Rosenstiel publishes regularly in German and international legal journals. She has co-authored a handbook on the European Regulation on Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCAR) as well as a comparative law treatise on DAOs.

Anja von Rosenstiel studied law at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich and at the University of Geneva. She completed her legal traineeships in Munich, Paris and Bonn. She also received a Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution from the law faculty of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder. Boston University awarded Anja von Rosenstiel the title of Master of Laws (LL.M.) in American Law.

  • Anja von Rosenstiel et al., Handbuch MICAR, Erich Schmidt Verlag,

    voraussichtliches Erscheinen Juli 2024.
  • Anja von Rosenstiel et al., Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in the Legal Landscape: From Decentralized Governance to Legal Frontiers, Edward Elgar Verlag,

    voraussichtliches Erscheinen 2. Jahreshälfte 2024.
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, A closer look at U.S. Congress passing payment stablecoin legislation, Wolters Kluver/ ZdiW, Heft 5/6 (2024).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Jüngste Entwicklungen der Regulierung des US-Kryptomarkts, RechtDigital, Beck-Verlag, 452 (2023)
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Technology as Party in decentralized dispute resolution, Perspektive Mediation, Band 12 (2021).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Dr. Peter Märkl, Blockchain Arbitration und dezentralisierte Streitbeilegung, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, 120 (2021).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Marcel Hostettler, Vorsorgen beim Investieren in Cryptocurrencies und Digital Assets, Börsenzeitung, (2020).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Vielgerichtet parteiliche Elder Mediatoren, Spektrum der Mediation, Band 2 (2016).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, EMIN Code of Ethics: Was sind Elder Mediator/innen?, Perspektive Mediation Band 1, (2016).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Verrücken, Verstören, Vervielfältigen, Perspektive Mediation 3, 156 (2015).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Mediation als Storytelling Prozess, Perspektive Mediation, Band 1, 46, (2015).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Mindfulness als Selbstmanagementtool für Mediatoren, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, 4/ 117, (2014).
  • Anja von Rosenstiel, Mediation als Wettbewerb, Perspektive Mediation, Band 3, 158 (2013).
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