Security Token

  • Let´s Sell a Security Token – Who is Actually Allowed to Sell Tokenized Financial Instruments?
    In 2019 BaFin allowed the first security token offerings in Germany and approved the corresponding and necessary security prospectuses. Blockchain-based capital markets issuances are therefore possible in Germany and a viable alternative for issuers seeking to acquire capital. However, the approval of the necessary prospectus is just the first step to a successful emission. The […]
  • Introducing Digital Securities – What are the Implications for Security Token Offerings?
    The German Federal Government resolved its blockchain-strategy on 18th September 2019. The resolved version includes 44 specific measures not only concerning initiatives that are related to capital and financial markets but also the promotion of blockchain projects that have an impact on the real economy, as well as research, cooperation initiatives and the implementation of the technology […]
  • Crypto Custody vs Securities Deposit Business – Who Will be Allowed to Store Security Tokens?
    Security Tokens of German issuers so far have been issued solely as securities according to the German Securities Prospectus Act respectively the EU Prospectus Regulation. They are designed as identical and freely tradable blockchain tokens that grant its owners certain investor rights such as a return on investment and a repayment claim. Security tokens can […]
  • Security Token as Asset Investment – Is that Possible?
    This year, BaFin already approved two securities prospectuses for security token offerings. In July of 2019 it approved a prospectus concerning the offering of token based subordinated bonds in the form of profit participation certificates and in January of 2019 a prospectus concerning a security token in the form of a registered bond. The approval […]
  • Security Token and The German Debenture Bond Act – Are They Mutually Exclusive?
    The approval of the first security prospectus for a security token offering by BaFin at the beginning of this year came like a thunderbolt to German capital markets regulation. The Authority proved itself open for innovations. At the same time, the German legislator is laying the groundwork for facilitating the emission of security tokens in […]
  • Valid Transfer Mechanism for Security Tokens
    Besides of the regulatory qualification of security tokens as security, shares in investment funds or alternative investment assets quite a number of private law issues are raised when conducting securities token offerings. The most prominent pitfall when it comes to private law and security tokens is the fact that the German Civil Code BGB in […]
  • How Should a Security Token be Legally Designed?
    Since a few weeks the German crypto community celebrates the first BaFin approved securities prospectus, being fully compliant with German regulatory laws and statues. With this approval BaFin really displayed an innovative and progressive attitude towards blockchain based funding methods. At least three more STO prospectuses are currently awaiting BaFin’s approval and more will follow. […]
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