Crypto Custody vs. Depository Business – What are the Advantages of the Digital Custody of Securities?
BaFin expressly stated in the publication on crypto custody business dated 2nd of March 2020 that it does not consider security tokens as securities in the sense of the German Securities Deposit Act under the current legal framework. This results in the fact that providers offering the custody of security tokens currently do not require […]
Electronic Securities and Crypto Securities – What are the Differences?
With the introduction of the Electronic Securities Act (eWPG), the German legislator intends to create a legal alternative to paper-based securities. The corresponding draft legislation to the eWPG dated 23rd of July 2020, which for the time being shall only be applicable to bearer bonds, therefore proposes the introduction of electronic securities as an alternative […]
Capital Markets Union and Security Token – Which Country Should Be Chosen for a Security Token Offering?
The European commission intends to further develop and promote the free flow of capital within the Capital Markets Union. Numerus efforts have been made – and some have even been partially implemented – to reach this goal since 2015. The EU Prospectus regulation for example creates a uniform European framework for the creation and approval […]
General Duties of Care in Crypto Business – What Applies to Financial Service Providers Dealing with Crypto Assets?
When it comes to providing their services to customers, financial service providers have traditionally been strictly regulated. Since the implementation of the second European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) in 2018, the obligations of securities service providers became even more extensive. In Germany, the federal Securities Trading Act (WpHG) regulates how securities service […]
Promoting the Token Sale – When Can Marketing Activities Begin?
Security token offerings are more and more regarded as an interesting alternative to traditional issuances of securities by companies. But the success at the digital capital markets is follows the same rules as their traditional counterparts and will be rated by the placement success of the security tokens. This means that a company seeking fresh […]
Business Models with Crypto Assets – What is the Correct Legal Basis for the BaFin Application?
In Germany, business models that are based on cryptocurrencies require prior approval by BaFin if their activity qualifies as a banking business or a financial service. This was already the case prior to the introduction of crypto assets as financial instruments into the German Banking Act (KWG) at the beginning of this year. BaFin qualifies […]
The New BaFin Leaflet for Crypto Custodians – Can Security Tokens be Stored by Crypto Custodians?
BaFin published its long-awaited leaflet on crypto custodian services (German only) at the start of last week. Since the legislative process took almost till the end of 2019 and the crypto custodian service was however introduced on the 1st of January 2020 into the German Banking Act (KWG), BaFin had little time to develop an administrative practice […]
Tokenization of the Capital Markets – Which Financial Instruments Can be Tokenized?
Blockchain-based capital markets issuances are more and more becoming a viable alternative not only for blockchain startups but also for mid-sized companies when it comes to procuring funds at the capital markets. After the first security token offerings have already been realized by startups in very important pioneer work and the international capital markets supervisory […]
Tokenized Financial Products and Deposit Business – Can Tokenization Exclude the Deposit Business?
Companies that collect money from third parties which, according to the base agreement, shall be subject to an unconditional repayment clause, in most cases operates a depository business and therefore requires a banking license. The depository business is an activity that can legally only be provided by licensed banks. There are some exemptions from the […]
Tokenized Asset Investments – What are the Advantages to Tokenized Securities?
Businesses that intend to procure funds in Germany have three basic regulatory frameworks regarding the legal design of the investment product they want to offer. This is applicable to traditional capital markets issuances as well as for the issuance of innovative tokenized financial products. Blockchain-based capital markets issuances nowadays are immediately associated with the public […]
Let’s Build a Crypto Custodian (Part II) – How Much Regulatory Starting Capital Does a Crypto Custodian Require?
As of the first of January 2020, crypto custodian services will be regulated as a new financial service in Germany. The safekeeping of cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens for customers on a commercial extent will at that point in time require a prior authorization by BaFin. The new financial service touches on a core issue of […]
Passporting an STO Prospectus – How Can an STO Prospectus be Used for EEA-wide Offerings?
Numerous capital markets authorities throughout Europe approved security token offerings by now and thereby allowed the public offering of blockchain-based securities. Even in Germany, where the securities law still heavily relies on documents in paper form, a number of securities prospectuses regarding blockchain-based securities have been approved by BaFin. At the same time, the German […]