The MiCAR Whitepaper (Part III) – What Content is Required for the E-Money Token Whitepaper?
Within the scope of MiCAR, a white paper must be prepared for a public offering of e-money tokens or their admission to trading. What are the specific content requirements of MiCAR?
E-Money Token as Stablecoin on Crypto Exchanges – MiCAR Creates New Regulatory Framework
Stablecoins can be issued as e-money tokens under MiCAR. The relevant rules of the new regulation on this will already apply in about a year.
Between the Poles – Is Blockchain-based E-Money not a Crypto Asset?
Nowadays, there are many different ways in which money is digitally usable. Scriptural money can only be created virtually by credit institutions and is used among the involved payment institutions in electronical form whenever a payer initiates a transaction. Also on the side of the payment initiating payer digital tools such as banking apps are […]
Let’s Create a Stablecoin – Can Politics Prohibit Libra?
In the last couple of weeks, the pressure on Facebooks stablecoin project Libra intensified. Government representatives like the German minister of finance Olaf Scholz and his French counterpart Bruno LeMaire see numerous problems and fear systemic risks if private companies offer their own means of payment as an alternative to national currencies. They therefore threaten […]
E-Money on a Blockchain: What Serives can a Cypto E-Money Institution Offer?
Blockchain tokens that are issued by the emitter in exchange for money and that can be exchanged back to a legal tender and that are accepted as a means of payment by others than the issuer can be e-money from a regulatory perspective. But what are the advantages of blockchain based e-money and who would be legally […]
E-money on a Blockchain?
Most publications covering cryptocurrencies and e-money come to the conclusion that Bitcoins cannot be classified as e-money in the sense of the German Payment Services Act (ZAG) because of the fact that there is no emitter who issued the coins in the first place while such emitter is a prerequisite to the e-money definition according […]