
  • Governance Votes – How Should dPoS-Validators Deal with them?
    Governance votes often are problematic events for validators, because the interests of their delegators may contradict. What can operators of validators do to protect themselves in these cases?
  • Do dPoS Staking Providers Require Authorization in Germany?
    Prior to start of operations in Germany most blockchain-based business models require BaFin authorization, because of the legal qualification of most cryptocurrencies as financial instruments in the sense of the German Banking Act (KWG). The German legislator explicitly confirmed his administrative practice of BaFin being in place already since 2011 by explicitly regulating crypto assets […]
  • Administration of Crypto Assets – What is Regulated by this Variant of the Crypto Custody Business?
    The custody of crypto assets in Germany is an activity which is subject to authorization since the beginning of the year 2020. Rumors have it, that over 40 companies are interested in obtaining an authorization from BaFin to conduct crypto custody business in Germany. The newly introduced legal basis is not only applicable to the […]
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