Crypto Security Registry

  • Preliminary Authorization for Operators of a Crypto Security Registry – What are the Requirements?
    The rising interest in cryptocurrencies, especially of professional investors and the steadily growing acceptance of tokenized investment products on the capital markets prompted the German legislator to introduce crypto securities as a new sub-type of securities. These are a special form of electronic bearer bonds which do not require securitization in a paper document. With […]
  • Definition of Crypto Custody Business – Changes After Only One Year?
    The crypto custody business is currently the youngest financial service regulated in the German Banking Act (KWG). As of January 1st, 2020, the custody, management and safeguarding of crypto assets or private keys that serve for storing, holding or transferring crypto assets for others is regulated as a financial service that is subject to authorization. […]
  • Managing Crypto Security Registries – What is the Background of the Proposed New Financial Service?
    The German legislator intends the introduction of electronic securities. It is intended that securities no longer necessarily have to be issued in paper form in order to be tradable in a bone fide, unencumbered way through the introduction of an Electronic Securities Act (eWpG) and several amendments and changes to the German Banking Act, the […]
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