Technical Service Providers in Crypto Business Models – In BaFin’s Crosshairs Without Own Authorization Requirement?
Not all business activities that are related to crypto assets or blockchain are automatically subject to authorization pursuant to the German Banking Act (KWG). The obligation to apply for a BaFin authorization is reserved for business models that involve a banking or financial service and that are related to blockchain units which are either considered […]
Crypto Business in Germany – In Which Scenario is BaFin Competent for Foreign Crypto Providers?
Germany is taking on a special role in Europe and globally when it comes to blockchain regulation. The German Government decided last year that Germany would strive to become an internationally well-known hotspot for businesses with business models that are connected to or based on blockchain technology or cryptocurrencies. Germany tries to achieve this among […]
Trading Signals for Crypto Assets – Do Signal Providers have to register with BaFin?
The international trade of crypto assets is becoming more and more attractive to professional traders. Even though the overall market capitalization of the crypto market is still extremely low in comparison to the market capitalization of the established capital markets, the independence from exchange trading hours and the volatility that are associated with crypto assets […]
Scaling Bitcoin via the Lightning Network – What Must be Considered by Crypto Businesses?
The Lightning Network promises to solve one of Bitcoin´s biggest problems: The Scalability. Due to its decentralized operation mode, the Bitcoin network itself can process and settle between seven and twelve transactions per second. In part this is due to the relatively small block size of just one Megabyte per block in comparison to other […]
E-Money on a Blockchain: What Serives can a Cypto E-Money Institution Offer?
Blockchain tokens that are issued by the emitter in exchange for money and that can be exchanged back to a legal tender and that are accepted as a means of payment by others than the issuer can be e-money from a regulatory perspective. But what are the advantages of blockchain based e-money and who would be legally […]