The renowned German business journal Wirtschaftswoche (WiWo) again honors FIN LAW as a top law firm and our crypto lawyer Lutz Auffenberg as a top lawyer in 2023. Already last year, FIN LAW was awarded as a top law firm and attorney Lutz Auffenberg as a top lawyer in banking and finance law by Wirtschaftswoche. The award is based on a survey of more than 1,700 lawyers from 135 law firms by the Handelsblatt Research Institute. The colleagues were asked to name the most renowned law firms and lawyers in their field of law. The results of the survey were then reviewed and evaluated by a panel of experts. FIN LAW and attorney Lutz Auffenberg, who specializes in representing crypto asset service providers vis-à-vis BaFin in BaFin licensing procedures, are among the best addresses in Germany in the category of capital markets law, according to the Wirtschaftswoche results. The focus of FIN LAW’s capital markets law practice is on legal support for token sale events, namely the public offering of security tokens, other investment tokens and electronic securities under the Electronic Securities Act (eWpG). The advice ranges from basic legal clarification on the possibilities of issuing tokenized investment products to the drafting of token terms, conditions of sale and support in the preparation of required sales documents such as securities prospectuses and WIBs to representation in the subsequent approval procedures at BaFin. In total, 15 law firms and 26 highly recommended lawyers in capital markets law were awarded by the Handelsblatt Research Institute. We congratulate all other awarded law firms, colleagues and would like to express our sincere thanks for the great trust and appreciation of our work in the circle of German commercial law firms. We see the award not only as recognition for our contribution to the digitalization and tokenization of capital market products to date, but also as an incentive for the many exciting projects that we will have the privilege of providing legal support for in the future.
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Apr 18, 2023