Hendrik Gruel

Hendrik Gruel

Hendrik Gruel is a Project Manager at FIN LAW. He is especially involved in the law firm’s projects for English speaking clients and provides non-legal services. He focusses on translation services as well as the creation and preparation of documents in projects relating to crypto assets and blockchain technology. Hendrik Gruel has a deep and profound technical understanding of cryptocurrencies as well as distributed-ledger-technologies and contributes this expertise as an added value to the clients. He furthermore assists FIN LAW with the creation of the law firm’s publications (blog and newsletter). Prior to joining FIN LAW, he worked for the legal department of a mid-size tax accounting practice. He studied law at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen and the Fachhochschule of Frankfurt am Main.

  • With Dr. Konrad Uhink „Decentralized Autonomous Organizations – Wie sind DAOs prospektrechtlich zu behandeln?”, Zeitschrift für das Recht der digitalen Wirtschaft, Heft 5-6 / 2023, S. 177
  • „Anti-Money Laundering Compliance when dealing with (Art) NFTs”, Compliance Elliance Journal, Volume 9, / 2023, S. 47
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